PTSportsPRO Launches

BREAKING NEWS: We are pleased to announce the official launch of PTSportsPRO, PLLC, by Owner/CEO Terence Reuben, PT (Physical Therapist/Sports Rehabilitation).

With over 30 years of experience in serving athletes, opening outpatient rehabilitation practices & developing sports specific programs for our communities, Terence brings with him a clear vision to create a sports & wellness space for PTSportsPRO to better serve our community.

We are looking forward to seeing Mr. Reuben’s vision unfold and look forward to him opening this practice in the fall. He is supported by his wife, Tina Reuben, PT, and his sons Tristan & Nicolas, as well as his network of family & friends in this new venture.

Stay tuned for updates on this page and on our website over the next several months.

#treatingYOUlikeaPRO, #oneonone, #PTSportsPRO, #physicaltherapy, #physiotherapy, #personaltraining, #performancetesting